One of the most exciting aspects of our trip for Tara and I are reuniting with faces from our past. Both Tara and I have each already visited with several people who have influenced us over the years or helped to shape us as individuals. It has been great seeing each of these folks, sharing old stories, catching up, and discussing the state of world as it is today. One thing is certain, no matter which side of the aisle your politics lie or religion falls, we are all most assuredly in this together. We must continue to listen, learn, assist wherever possible, and question everything. Here are just a few faces we have been fortunate enough to see along our route thus far. Hoping to add a lot more to this as time goes by.
Tara and Ruth (PVI Pals)
Tony Kulesza (KPS First Retiree)
Jeff and Teri (KPS Contracts Queen)
Jill Martin (ECU Swimmer extraordinaire)
Steve “Wingnut” Lynch – RU Rugger Alumni
Chip “Superman” Wright – RU Alumni
Shaikh – Ski Chalet Colleague
Hey remember Meg and I along the trek. So nice to spend a couple days with you. Hope to see you on way back. Phoebe and Sofie miss you already. So excited to see you never took photo. Cheers. Collin and Meg. “Godspeed”
You’re right we never took one single picture while we were together. Argh! So sorry about this.